
There are numerous other sources for finding useful books and other publications. Some of the most well-known online search engines are listed below.

Please contact the Sierra County Coordinator if you have any questions, problems, corrections or new information regarding this website or its posted material.

COPYRIGHT © 1996-2019 by Richard L Hanson (Sierra County Coordinator) on behalf of the California chapter of The USGenWeb Project. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Site Updated: 3 Feb 2019


Google – Go to Google seach and select the Book search option. Enter the term Sierra County in quotes. The search results will show a long list of matching publications. Some of the historical books (government reports and those books with expired copyrights) can be viewed online.

Library of Congress – All copyrighted books, magazines, newspapers, etc, are described in a searchable online catalog. They also have online digital collections that include old photographs.

Family History Books – Digitalized books can be searched for and viewed online. Provided by the FamilySearch website. If you don't initially find anything interesting, be sure to check again at a later date. LDS is constantly adding to this collection at a rate of about 10,000 pages per day.