Pre 1905 California Death Index for San Diego County

 The source of the below 1940-1997 death info is:
 State of California Department of Health Services,
 Center for Health Statistics.
 Deaths 1940 - 1997  Lastnames A - K
 Deaths 1940 - 1997  Lastnames L - Z

 Deaths 1999 - 2009
 Wills 1849-1899

 Mortuary records of Johnson-Baum_Knoebel  pages 1-70
 Mortuary records of Johnson-Baum_Knoebel  pages 71-140

Once you click on the link below and the resulting pages are returned,  you can narrow your search by inputting names in the  first and or last name fields on the left hand side of the page and then clicking on the 'Update' button.
 Deaths at  familysearch