Newspaper Clippings

This scrapbook will be full of tidbits of Social Notes, School events, Weddings, and etc.

Napa Daily Journal 1890

(appears to be between June 2 and July 7th)

Alex. BADLAM Jr., with his sister, Maude BADLAM, are taking in the beauties of the north-western cities and will cross the Straits of Fuca to Victoria before their return.

Miss Jennie BLAIR of San Francisco is the guest of Miss May POPE of St. Helena. When she returns to the city she will go to the Hotel del Monte for the season with her mother, Mrs. Samuel BLAIR.

Miss Carrie VALLEAU of Oakville, who has been visiting friends and relatives in San Francisco for the past two months, returned home last Wednesday.

Napa Daily Journal, Wed. July 3, 1895

Mary A. STARR, widow of the late A. D. STARR, the well known milling man, is hopelessly insane. She is now in England.

Napa Journal (weekly), Dec. 9, 1898

The wedding of Miss Annie MILLS and Will JACKS of this city, occured at the home of the bride's mother in San Francisco Sunday afternoon. The bride has resided in Napa for several years. The groom is a son of Samuel JACKS of Coombsville. Both have many friends here. They will reside in San Francisco.

Napa Daily Journal, Dec. 23, 1898

Frances BRYANT has brought an action of divorce against Arthur W. Bryant on the ground of failure to provide. P.S. KING is attorney for the plaintiff.

Napa Journal, Jan 20, 1899

[ few words off edge of copy and can't be made out]

Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Miss Jeannie GIFT, of this city, was united in marriage to Mr. Geo. D. Stratton of Sacramento. Rev. Caleb BENHAM officiated, and the ceremony was witnessed by relatives only of the contracting parties. The bride was attired in a tailor...stale blue English whipcord gown....wore a hat of black velvet with ostrich plumes. The bride is the second daughter of Capt. Geo. W. GIFT (deceased) and ... Ellen A. GIFT, and has spent nearly her whole life in Napa. For several years past she has been a teacher in the ... schools of this county, and will take away to her new home the best wishes of many sincere friends.

The groom is a graduate of Stanford University, and holds a position as an engineer with the Southern Pacific Railroad Company.

Mr. and Mrs. STRATTON left on the afternoon train for the southern part of the State, where they will spend their honeymoon. Upon their return, they will take up their residence in Sacramento.

Napa Daily Journal, December 14, 1904

Under Yountville Items -

Miss Irene GRIGSBY and Albert A. CHURCH were united in marriage Sunday at 3 p.m. at the residence of the bride's grandparents, Elder C.E. Edgman officiating. The bride is a handsome young lady, with a character above reproach, and the bridegroom is a popular young man of good habits. Miss Jennie GRIGSBY of St. Helena, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Cortland CHURCH of Byron, brother of the groom, was best man. After the ceremoney an elegant wedding dinner was served. The young couple have a host of friends who wish them a bright and prosperous future. (Wedding date was 11 December 1904)

Napa Register, May 4, 1883 pg 3, col. 4

Mrs. D. HAIGHT, of San Francisco, has come to Napa to reside with her grandson, A.H. CONKLING

W.B. ROBERTS and family will move to Napa, and Billy will go into the hotel business with his father

Napa Register, Sept. 28, 1883, pg 3

A.A. SMITH, and wife (nee Hattie RICE) went East last Wednesday to spend three or four months.

Mr. J. H. SHIVELY and wife (nee Miss Laura ROBINSON) departed for their home in Santa Clara Wednesday, after an extended visit among friends in Napa.

Napa Register, June 10, 1892

Samuel COOK, who was shot the other day by Francis MARCUM, is improving as fast as could be expected.

Napa Daily Journal, Sept 19, 1897

Margary McCULLEN has been granted a divorce from John McCULLEN. The case was heard in Santa Clara County.

Napa Daily Journal, Friday, May 10, 1895

The following were among the Napa people who went to Santa Rosa on Thursday morning's train to take in the Rose Carnival:

Napa Daily Journal, May 21, 1895

The engagement is announced of Miss Laura CAIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John CAIN of this city, to Charles GRADY, guard at San Quentin Prison. The wedding will take place Thursday, June 6th.

At the Catholic church Sunday, afternoon at 2 o'clock Mr. Henry CURLEY, of San Francisco, was united in marriage to Miss Alice Mae ERB, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. ERB of this city. Rev. Father SLATTERY officiated. Miss Agness ERB and Mr. William ERB, sister and brother of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and best man. After the ceremony, the wedding party repaired to the ERB residence corner of Main and Pearl streets, and after enjoying a sumptuous feast the youn couple took the evening train for the South to spend their honeymoon. The will make their home in San Francisco, where Mr. CURLEY is engaged in business. The many friends of the accomplished and popular bride will extend best wishes for her future happiness and . . .[rest off page]

Napa Journal, Sept 24, 1897

What is said to be the largest eight-mule load of wheat ever hauled over the Berryessa grade was brought in Sept. 17, by Joe CONNOR. It consisted of 134 bags.

Louis HEEGLER has accepted a position in a barber shop in San Francisco. His father, G. HEEGLER, who has been unable to work for some time on account of an accident, will take his chair in the shop here.

Thos. O'BRIEN was brought down from St. Helena last Friday to serve 30 days for petty larceny. O'Brien stole some plumber's tools.

At the Chapel of St. Mary Carmel at Santa Rosa, Thursday, Sept. 16, Miss Margaret MORRISSEY of Vallejo took the white veil and entered the Ursuline order.

This afternoon a man named BRAZIL who lives at Napa, was brought up from Lakeville in an almost dying condition. He came over to visit Mr. NUNES on the J.H. WHITE place, and while unharnessing the horse was kicked in the head, the skull being fractured. (article continues off page)

Miss Fannie GORDON, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GORDON of Suisun, and Frank BURRELL, assistant in the Solano street barber shop, hied themselves away to Martinez about two weeks ago and were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Mrs. BURRELL is at present visiting her husband's mother in Napa, while the groom has been in Suisun receiving the congratulations of his many friends. - Solano Republican.

Arthur DUPREY, a Napa druggist, has invented an apparatus by which he can magnify a microbe and photograph it at the enlarged size. He expects to use his invention for the purpose of detecting impure drugs. This may be a good thing for us poor creatures who must swallow the drugs. - Colusa Sun

Frankie BANCHERO, the little son of C. BANCHERO, was run over by one of SWITZER Bros. trucks Friday, but not seriously hurt. The wheel passed over his right leg above the ankle. The little fellow was riding on the truck with some other children and fell off.

Napa Journal, Dec 17, 1897

Will THOMPSON, who about three months ago got his foot crushed between the cars at the Napa depot, attempted to get out of the house for the first time since the accident last Sunday afternoon, but before he had proceeded far the crutch he used as a support slipped from under him and he fell to the ground. In the fall his injured foot was again hurt, and he will be laid up for several days longer as a result of the mishap.

Jos. SCHWARTZ has recently lost half a dozen cats by poisoning.

Monday morning while "Wall" was out with his gang one of the prisoners made a run for liberty. He was captured near the steamboat landing and a ball and chain put on him. He refused to work, however, and was subsequently placed in a cell with bread and water as a diet. The prisoner no doubt will come around al reight in a day or two. His name is W.M. CUNNNIGHAM [sic] [probably CUNNINGHAM], and was sentenced by Justice Bradford on November 20th to serve 130 days for petit larceny.

Mrs. J.H. REYNOLDS is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L.C. WILLIAMS, in Berkeley.

Mrs. Myrtle GODWIN of San Francisco is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.H. EPLEY at Cypress Lawn.

A.L. BRYAN returned to the city Monday morning, after spending Sunday with his family in Napa.

Mrs. Tena KINDLESPIRE of San Francisco is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry FOWLER, in this city.

Mrs. A.L. MOORE of Oakland is visiting her sister Mrs. Dr. E. HANN of this city.

Napa Journal, June 24, 1898, pg. 2

Back From the North G.F. MAYHOOD who left Napa on the 6th of March last for the Klondike, arrived at his home in Napa Wednesday morning on the Zinfandel. He had reached Lake Tagish, on the other sideof the Chilcoot Pass, when he sustained a broken leg. Later he wrenched the injured leg in a fall, and on the advice of physicians he returned home. Mr. MAYHOOD went over the Chilcoot Pass by way of the Dyea trail. While in that region he says the thermometer ranged from 6 degrees below to 10 above; that during 1898 21,000 people passed overthe Chilcoot for Dawson City. Where a short time ago packing freight over the Pass was paid for at the rate of 7 cents a pound, 16 cents is paid now. Common laboreres receive $4 per day, carpenters $10 and blacksmiths $7.50, and it costs $16 to have a horse shod. On this side of the Chilcoot meals cost 25 and 50 cts., at the summit 75 cents, and at Lake Bennett $1, and at Lake Tagish $1.50. Lumber costs $250 a thousnad or 25 cts. a foot. Nails bring $1 for three pounds, sugar the same, salt 30 cents a pound and flour $7 a barrel. Mr MAYHOOD started on his return trip June 11th. He says H.C. MANUEL is probably by this time at Dawson City.

From St. Helena. Dr. H.M. POND and sons, Chauncey and Harry, of Alameda, are camping near town. They formerly resided here.

From St. Helena. Mrs. G.W. DUNGAN returned to San Francisco to-day after a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. W.F. MIXON

From St. Helena. A.H. FRAZIER, superintendent of the Inglenook winery at Rutherford for the past five years, has gone to the war as interpreter for the Signal Corps. He will sail for Manila with the next expedition. Mr. FRAZIER speaks several languages fluently, one being Spanish.

From St. Helena. Saturday evening, at the home of Rev. James MITCHELL, James MORRIS of this place and Miss Ida YATES of Rutherford were united in marriage. At the conclusison of the ceremony the happy couple took a carriage and drove to Napa, and on Sunday went to San Francisco, where a few days were spent. Mr. MORRIS is a young and successful business man, and his bride is a popular young lady.

Napa Journal, Sept 23, 1898, pg.5

Calistoga, Sept. 20, '98. William EBELING, another disappointed Klondiker, returned home last night. Your correspondent has not been able to see hem as yet, but he is said to look much the worse for the trip. He has been sick, like BOUNSALL and JEWELL, a greater portion of the time since he left here.

Napa Journal, Nov. 4, 1898

A Marriage license was granted by County Clerk COLLINS Wednesday authorizing the marriage of David C. MANSON to Martha A. DIETRICH, both of Napa.

Napa Journal, Dec. 2 1898

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. P. JORDT died Tuesday morning at the family residence on E street.

Henry James has leased the old Dick MOORE place.

Mrs. Anna BROWNLEE and Miss Annie CHRISTIANSEN have returned from their southern visit.

Napa Register, July 5, 1895, pg. 2 & 5

A portion of what appears to be a canvass of the farmers of the area.

Pg. 2

STEIFEL ?- name is off page. [Carl Steifel was bro.-in-law of F. FRASH below] Farm of 80 acres comes next. On it there are 8 acres in corn, 7 in vines, 15 in hay and 25 in barley. Hay crop light, grain fair. There were at one time 40 acres of vines on the place but these suffered from phyloloxera. Next year Mr. S. will put in 5 acres of resistant vines

F. FRASH. Owns a piece of property of some 40 acres above Steifels's. Eight acres are in young orchard, 4 in corn, 8 in hay; the remainder is pasture and hill land. More fruit trees will be planted next year. The old story, the vines of other days were taken by phylloxera.

H. CONANT. Has 10 acres of land. Three are in fruit, 3 in hay and half an acre is in vines.

LOUIS RAFFE. Runs the W. H. MARSHALL place of 60 acres, twenty acres of which are in hay and 10 or 12 in corn. This year 100 young fruit trees were planted.

Going down the lane on the right side of the road we come upon the 8 acres of G.B. RAGATZ He has 6 acres in young peach and prune trees and some hay land.

We proceed further, cross the creek, and find G.J. TURTON At work on his 83-acre place, fifty of which are in orchard -- 2000 peach trees, 1000 prunes, 3000 pears, 200 cherries and 100 apples. This year Mr. TURTON has fine crops of peaches, prunes and apples. The pears are a medium crop, but the cherries ran light. Mr. TURTON dries a good portion of his fruit. R. WOELFELL works 30 acres of the orchard.

To right from TURTON'S is the property of DR. ALLENBAUGH Of Vacaville, rented by C.P. BALES. Orchard trees take up most of the place, 15 acres being in old trees and other acres being in young prunes.

Pg. 5

The next place on the left is P. DARMS Estate of 62 acres. It includes 36 acres of vineyard, a few vines being resistant. They will this year yield between 75 and 100 tons. There is also an orchard of 16 acres, prunes, peaches and pears being the principal fruits. Besides the above there are 4 acres in corn and 7 in hay.

Back of the last described property JOHN DARMS Has 129 acres of land, 80 acres being hill or pasture land. There are 14 acres of resistant grape vines and 8 acres of orchard.

On the oppoosite side of the road is the 15-acre fruit farm of G.R. BARNES Eleven acres are in fruit trees, including 500 peaches (mostly Early Crawford), 200 cherries, 200 apples and 100 French prunes. This year Mr. BARNES' peaches are about a half crop, cherries very light, apples medium and prunes fair. Monday he began to ship peaches to San Francisco. The soil on the place is warm and very fertile, well adaped to the fruits cultivated.

The 109 acres belonging to EX-LIEUT. GOV. JOHNSON Occupied by Mr. CATER, is next visited. Here we find 30 acres of prunes (4 year-olds), 10 acres of young peaches, 25 of hay, and 8 or 10 of vineyard. The rest of the place is used for pasture. At one time the land was all in vines, but phylloxera got the best of them.

Russian River Flag Healdsburg, Ca., Dec. 3, 1874 issue

A miner working on the Redington quicksilver mine, Napa county, named Thos. FINN, last week fell down a shaft, 180 feet in depth, and was instantly killed.

NAPA REGISTER, June 6, 1884

A CHILD HORRIBLY BURNED. On Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock the little daughter of J. M. Perry, who lives at Carneros Creek was terribly burned under the following circumstances: She had been playing in the blacksmith shop above, and suddenly emerged therefrom with her clothes on fire. As soon as possible the child was reached by its mother and others who suceeded in extinguishing the flames but not until the little one had been terribly burned about the neck, arms, chest and limbs. The blacksmith shops and stable adjoining took fire and burned to the ground. (Lillie Amanda Perry, age 3 years, 3 months, died 1 June, 1884 according to death records.)

Russian River Flag Healdsburg, Ca., May 20, 1875 issue

Lindsey CARSON, of Lake County, brother of the late Kit CARSON, is a candidate for the office of Senator from the 20th District and this district embraces Napa, Lake and Sonoma counties.

Russian River Flag Healdsburg, Ca., May 13, 1875 issue

A carpenter by the name of Clark RISLER fell from a staging in St. Helena last Friday, lighting on a stake which penetrated his bladder causing almost instant death. RISLER leaves a wife and three children.

Red Bluff Daily News Red Bluff, Tehama County, California, Nov. 9, 1900

The wedding of Miss Mollie OWENS, Superintendent of Schools of this county, and A.E. AVERY of Sacramento, took place in Napa last Sunday, November 4th, in the Presbyterian church just after the morning service.

Mr. AVERY is now the manager of a mercantile house in Sacramento. He was at one time a United States gauger at Vina.

Where they will make their home is not known nor is it known whether or not Mrs. Avery will complete her term of office.

My mother, Muriel VanPelt, went to Napa High School. She was in the class of 1923. Her graduating class graduated from the new Napa High on Jefferson and Lincoln Ave. It was completed in time for their graduation but they didn't attend any classes there. -by Carolyn Henderson

Russian River Flag Healdsburg, Ca., July 1st 1875 issue

Judge E.B. CROCKER of Sacramento died at his residence last Thursday after several years illness. Age 57y, he came to this country in 1852 and located in Sacramento.

Marshall HASTINGS, son of Judge S.C. HASTINGS of Napa was thrown from his horse on Sunday in Napa and instantly killed.

Russian River Flag Healdsburg, Ca., July 15th, 1875 issue

Mrs. VORBECK, attempted suicide at Silverado last Sat., according to the Calistoga Free Press. She shot herself in the left breast, the wound will not prove fatal.

Mendocino County News

The wife of Jas. GASKINS, who resides on the Navarra Ridge, two miles from the coast, eloped June 29 with a hired man. The husband gave chase -- not to fetch her back, but to recover a horse she had taken. He failed to overtake the guilty couple.

Lake County: T.C. SOPER was accidentally drowned in the reservoir near Middletown on the 4th inst.

Healdsburg Tribune Healdsburg, Ca., Jan. 1, 1914 issue

The Absent Ones

Healdsburg Tribune, Healdsburg, Ca., Jan. 8, 1914 issue

Local and Personal Notes

More Absent Ones:

Death of Healdsburg Pioneer:

Mrs. de WIEDERHOLDT an old resident of Healdsburg, died December 19th, in Compton, the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. DEMPSEY. The funeral took place on the 22nd. Particulars of the illness and death of the deceased are not known. As Mrs. de WIEDERHOLDT, she was well known to the people of Healdsburg, where she, with her two daughters, now Mrs. E. DEMPSEY and Mrs. Helen LAKE, lived for many years. She owned what is termed "Advent Town". At that time the property was a 12 acre vineyard. They left Healdsburg many years ago and have since lived in Southern California. Since her mother's death, Mrs. DEMPSEY has moved to Los Angeles.

Little Girl Fractures Arm.

While little Lucille BANE, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. D.A. BANE, was playing in the basement at the Grammar School yesterday, she tripped and fell, fracturing the bone in the arm above the elbow. Dr. J.W. SEAWELL was immediately called. He took the little girl to the sanitarium where the fracture was given attention. She was taken to her home on Grant street afterward. It will be several weeks before Miss Lucille has the use of her arm.

Presbyterian Pastor:

Rev. S.A. PARKER began his work as pastor of the Presbyterian church of Healdsburg last Sunday. Mr. PARKER came to this city from Emmett, Idaho, where he served the Presbyterian church of that city for a period of seven years.

Kimball Home Leased:

Mrs. George B. DAVIS came up from her home in Fruitvale yesterday to look after the property interests of the Dr. KIMBALL heirs. The home place on Tucker street has been leased by Mr. & Mrs. A.H. KAYSER of Alexander Valley, who will take possession soon.

J.B. Post Loses Brother:

J.B. POST received a telegram Sunday announcing the death of his brother, Henry C. POST, in San Francisco.

No particulars of the cause of his death were received by Mr. POST. Monday morning, in company with his sons, L.B. POST and M.J. POST and his wife, Mr. POST went to San Francisco to attend the funeral. The deceased had lived many years in San Francisco.

Marriage License Issued:

Monday in San Francisco to Ernest CORNELL, 24y, and Ethel M. KELLY, 24y, both of Healdsburg and to Attilio FARANDE, 22y, of San Francisco and Emma DENUCCI, 21y, of Healdsburg.

Out of Debt:

Sitting Bull Tribe of Red Men will hold a cremation meeting tomorrow night. They will burn two notes that have been liquidated, and are preparing to make merry over the event. In 1906, following the earthquake, the Tribe borrowed money to help in building and equipping their hall, known as the Brown Redmen Building on West Street.

The Tribe made regular payments on the principal, and were gradually getting clear of the debt, until the fire of Last February occurred and wiped the building off the map. The entire debt has now been paid, and the Tribe has several hundred dollars in its treasury.

All members of the order and their families are invited to attend the note-burning ceremonies tomorrow night. A committee will prepare refreshments and a program for the occasion. The meeting will be held at Masonic Hall.

Healdsburg Tribune, Healdsburg, Ca., Jan. 1, 1914 issue

Passed Away Sunday After of Illness of Several Weeks:

Mrs. J.A. McMINN died Sunday afternoon about five o'clock. She had been ill for a number of weeks, and death resulted from a complication of ailments. Funeral services were held at the late residence Tuesday, under the auspices of the Order of Eastern Star, C.H. HILTON, pastor of the Christian Church, officiating. The remains were taken to Oakland Wednesday morning for cremation.

Mrs. McMINN was a native of California, and had lived practically all of her days in Healdsburg and vicinity. She was a woman of quiet demeanor and lovable personality, and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew her. She as a member of the Christian church, and a past Patron of the Order of Eastern Star. She took an ardent interest in this order, and was well versed in its ritual work and in its principles.

The deceased is survived by her husband, J.A. McMINN and one son, Wilfred. They have the sympathy of the community in their loss of wife and mother.

Counterfeiting Quartet Easily Secure Bail for Release:

D.M. PURKESON and wife, and Al HART and wife, who were arrested last week passing counterfeit bills, had no trouble in securing responsible persons to go on their bonds before court in Santa Rosa. Those who have known the men longest were readiest to believe them innocent of any wrong intent.

The cases have been set for a hearing Jan. 5th. The men and women have all borne a good reputation in Sonoma county. The women are twin sisters. D.M. PURKERSON (different spelling here) has lived in Healdsburg and vicinity a good many years.

James MASON, city marshal, had been notified that there were counterfeit bills in circulation, and had warned the merchants to be on the lookout. The outcome of the trial will be watched with interest.

Healdsburg Tribune, Healdsburg, Ca. Jan. 1, 1914 issue

What became of our old friends?

Healdsburg Tribune, Healdsburg, Ca. Jan. 1, 1914 issue

What became of old time friends?

Healdsburg Tribune, Healdsburg, Ca. Jan. 1, 1914 issue

The Absent ones:

Napa County Reporter3-9-1883 4:3

"J.D. Enas of Sunnyside Apiary, has been using an Eclipse incubator for three seasons. He has hatched out artificially a great many broods of chickens and had good success in raising them. He employs an artificial "mother", which is a curiosity in its way, but serves the purpose admirably in keeping the young chickens warm and healthy until feathers are well developed. The young brood are not troubled with vermin, which is the great persecution of fowls in our warm climate."

Napa Daily Reporter 9-30-1879 3:2

"At the State Fair recently, J. D. Enas, who lives near the Soda Springs, was awarded for pure Italian bees, a silver medal and diplomas for a machine for making artificial comb and for a honey extractor; also a premium for the best hive. Mrs. Enas put up peaches, pears, plums, in honey ...".

Napa County Reporter 5-15-1885 3:1

"J. D. Enas, the apiarist who lives at Sunnyside Apiary on the hills northwest of Napa, has received improved machinery to be used in bee culture."

Napa Register 6-27-1890 3:6

"Mrs. J. D. Enas yesterday brought to our office a branch loaded with May Duke cherries. It is from her orchard at Sunnyside Apiary."

Joseph D. Enas also wrote and was quoted in a number of articles reagrding the culture of honey bees...