Photo of Church


Newsletters Books for
            Sale LDS FHC Guestbook Obituaries Genealogical


Family History Center,
12100 Ridgecrest Rd., Victorville, CA
Non-member visitors are welcome at all meetings.

Third Wednesday of each Month at 6:00 P.M.
Except November and December

Click here for H.D.G.S. Event Calendar



The Hi-Desert Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1271,
Victorville, California, 92393



The Genealogy Books belonging to the Society are located in the
Hesperia Branch Library
9650 7th Avenue,
Hesperia, CA 92345
(760) 244-4898


Family History Center
12100 Ridgecrest Road,
Victorville, CA
(760) 243-5632

The books may be seen any time the Library is open.
County, State, Family Histories and References are available.

Click here for a list of available books

Click here for HDGS Obituary Index

Membership is open to anyone who is interested in genealogy
and researching their family history.

Membership dues are:
New and renewing members;  $25.00
Couples;  $35.00
Corporate memberships;  $30.00
Please make checks payable to HDGS.

 The membership year begins on June 1 and ends the following May 31.
Membership dues are payable by the end of June of the new year.

For further information contact:

Carol DiFlauro

The Desert Diggings Newsletter is issued quarterly and is received
by members as part of their dues.

Click here to view past Desert Diggings Newsletters

What's New
The latest changes on the Website

Click here to view what's new

©2009 by The Hi-Desert Genealogical Society.
All materials, images, sounds and data contained herein are not to be copied or
downloaded for purposes of duplication, distribution, or publishing
without the express written permission of the owner.  



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This website was last updated in March 2018